
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Growth in the number of Internet users in Indonesia is currently experiencing a rapid increase, and this directly provide opportunities for many people to earn money from the internet. If we look, online business has become one of the most promising business opportunities today. How not, some online businesses that I know could have a monthly income with the number that makes me "gaping" - sakin number. I need not mention the figure, but the amount is tens times higher than my salary when I was working in an office.
Probably most of us would be tempted to want to start their own online business, but they do not yet know how to make money from the internet. If you are an internet marketer (online marketer) who is an expert, perhaps to make money from the internet is not something difficult. However, a different story if you are a beginner (newbie) in the world of online marketing. Instead of getting money, how aja still confused, just like I used hehehe.
This topic had been frequently discussed in the media, the media either online or offline media. However, I still think there are many people who are still looking for and continue to dig up information on how to earn income from the internet. Do not be far away, consider the time line of your friends on Facebook or on Twitter, certainly a lot of talk on this topic. Even when you're reading this article, you must be looking for information on how to earn money from the internet.
Well, I will discuss some kind of online business that can provide income. Some of which I discuss this based on my experience, and several others based on the experiences of my friends who also works as an online entrepreneur.
Related article: Facts about online business1. Through the Ad Program Website / Blog
As you can see in this blog or in some other blogs you've visited, ad space on your blog / website is one of the effective ways to earn money online. If overseas - particularly the USA - mostly their blog or website listed in Google Adsense program, namely advertising program owned by Google where publishers can earn money from Google Adsense ad clicks in their blog.
This program is called by the PPC (Pay Per Click), the publisher will be paid for every click made by visitors (visitor) of the website or blog, where the cost per click has been determined in advance by the Advertiser (advertisers). In addition to Google Adsense, there are many other companies that offer an opportunity for publishers to earn money from their site. Some companies online Advertising from abroad that offer the same program is,, While domestic inter alia,,,, and others.
In addition to PPC program, to earn money from a website can be a way to provide advertising space on the site. Usually pretty much Advertiser is interested in advertising in a blog if your blog has content with a specific topic and visitornya quite a lot. The price of advertising space is determined by the owner of the blog or can also be based on negotiations between the Advertiser and blog owners.
Perhaps you've heard publisher with a fantastic income, there is even a publisher can earn hundreds of millions to billions of dollars per month from their blogs. You interested? Wait a minute, all it takes hard work and it took a long time. Take a look at the next online business opportunity.
Related Articles:

How to register Google Adsense so quickly accepted
How to earn $ 100 per day from Google Adsense
2. Become an Affiliate Marketer
Affiliate marketers are those who sell other people's products and earn a percentage commission (depending on the product owner) from any sale does. This type of business carried out by a lot of online businesses, both abroad and within the country.
Products sold by the affiliate marketer is very diverse, ranging from digital products, to products that are in physical form, or even a combination of both. Affiliate program that I follow is the affiliate program of, and is a digital product marketplace nation's children. Most digital products marketed in the Roll is a product that is related to internet marketing that is packaged in the form of eBooks, Software, and membership.
For the owner of a blog / website that builds content related to blogging, online business and internet marketing, I strongly recommend to join the affiliate marketer in the Flatten. Most of the product is much sought after by Internet marketers, and range offered sizable commission, which is about 25% - 75% per sale from your own affiliate link. Read articles about Flatten HERE. is the largest online retailer in the world, where most of its products are in physical form. Categories of products that are sold in this Online Store are numerous, ranging from cheap to very expensive, ranging from small to large. Such as books, digital cameras, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, chairs, tables, toiletries, kitchen utensils, and even underwear is no sale there hehehe. provides an opportunity for all owners of websites / blogs around the world to earn money from affiliate programs they provide. The amount of the commissions earned by the publisher Amazon is about 4% - 8% of total sales, and depending on how many publishers are selling products from More and more products sold, the higher the percentage of commissions paid. is a place that provides products in digital form, such as an ebook, software, and also membership. Affiliate program is also very much favored by internet marketers around the world since the commission rate is very large, even some product owners are willing to give a commission of up to 75% of the price of the product to the publisher.
In Indonesia there are quite a lot of affiliate programs that you may run. However I can not give a review on the local affiliate program because it had never feel the results. One of the local affiliate programs I've ever tried is the affiliate program of However, until I created this article, there has been no progress that I get because I can not seriously run.3. Business Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Online
Well, if you've talked MLM certainly many who live lazy hehehe. In the past, I did, too. I do not like the conventional MLM business because of the systems and ways of working that I saw when first encountered MLM, downlines impressed was made as forced labor and uplinenya only served to motivate. Maybe this is just my thoughts, but in fact many members who surrendered.
In addition, I also do not like the conventional working methods in MLM how long, in which the members must often follow the meetings, preparing presentations to prospective new members, must woo, need frequent follow-up, and more. Surely not everyone can do these things, including me hehehe.
Online MLM Business Multi Level Marketing is a business that can be run online without having to interfere with daily activities. This is what makes me very interested in this online MLM business model. One of the online MLM business that currently I follow is the MLM business of Golden Life where I joined an internet network marketer in the world named Rudy Setiawan, please read my review in this article.4. Opens Online Store
The online store is a virtual store where customers can purchase products sold in the online store directly from the website. Currently there are many businesses that already have their own online store, whether it sells its own products or sell other people's products to resellers or dropship system.
I myself have run an online business by opening an online store where I sell products of others by means dropshiping. I open an online store and display the products are sold online, if there are customers who buy and had to transfer to my account then I would immediately contact the supplier.
Disadvantages dropship business is when the items to be purchased by the customer did not exist, the transaction will not occur. That is why we must work together with suppliers who are competent, and trustworthy. I personally prefer open an online store to sell goods yourself, fortunately more and we can adjust the velocity of money and product. It will work more and spend quite a lot of time, ranging from the provision of goods, packing, until delivery. It was back to the perpetrators of the business, which is the most suitable done.
Related article: online business opportunities5. Business Services Provider Online
This business is also pretty much done by online businesses. There are many types of services required by people and can be done online. Among them are article writing service providers, providers of online promotional services, service providers SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and many more.
So, if you have the skill - anything - you can sell them online. One type of service that I have ever sold online is a service to build backlinks to a website, and content writing services to a blog article. Apparently quite a lot of people who need these services. The income that can be obtained from any article writing services can be hundreds of millions of dollars per month depending on the number of requests from customers.
Actually there are quite a lot that can be done to get money from the internet. But that does not mean we have to do everything to be able to get the desired results. You should select one or two types of online businesses that are suitable and capable you do, do it seriously, and you will see the results.
Perform research to bisnisi you, and do an analysis to determine the development of your internet business, keep the spirit, do continuously. And see the results within a few days, weeks, months, or years. This article is already too long, this only can I review about how to make money from the internet. Hope can provide inspiration for you. Send regards for success :)


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